Thursday, January 8, 2015

Branch Office Transactions in DOP Finacle

(i) New Account Opening at BOs

When new account is opened at any BO and Account Opening Form is received at Account Office, User has to Select Branch Office name in the field Branch Office ID. For this, User should Go to Account opening screen of concerned scheme and click on Branch Office Code. List of BOs with BO code will appear. Select BO from where Account Opening Form is received for opening of account.

(ii) A/c Opening date (Branch Office date)

While opening of account,  Value date should be transaction date at Branch Office.Other procedure for opening of account will be same as prescribed for account opening at SO/HO. Only difference is that value date for opening of account should be BO Date and while funding the account, BO Settlement Account (0339) is to be debited. Savings Account is to be funded after opening of account and RD or TD Account is to be funded while opening the account.

(iii) B.O SB Deposit at Account Office

On receipt of Pay-In-Slip from BO, PA of Account office should follow the following process:-
a) Invoke CXFER  menu.
b) Select the Function – Add
c) Select the Transaction Type / Subtype – T/BI-Bank Induced
e) Enter the BO Name in the Transfer Particulars column by removing the word “BY TRANSFER”
f) Enter the amount of Deposit
g) Enter the BO date in the Value Date column
h) Click on Post
System will generate Transaction ID on posting the same. PA should note down TRAN ID number on Pay-In-Slip in red ink (example:- TRAN ID SB-34567) and will hand over the same to Supervisor who should verify the transaction by using same menu. Only after verification, the transaction will appear in LOT and Consolidation.

(iv) BO SB withdrawal at Account Office

For withdrawals above Rs.5000/-, when SB7 is received from BO in Account Office, PA and Supervisor will go to HACLI menu and see balance in the account. Signature of depositor should also be compared with the available signatures in Finacle and PA as well as Supervisor will follow the same procedure as being followed now and sanction will be sent to BO
On receipt of SB7 from BO after payment (either up to Rs.5000/- or above Rs.5000/-) PA of Account Office should follow the following procedure:-
  • Invoke CXFER  menu.
  • ii) Select the Function – Add
  • iii) Select the Transaction Type / Subtype – T/BI-Bank Induced
  • Enter the BO Name in the Transfer Particulars column by removing the word “BY TRANSFER”
  • Enter the amount of Deposit
  • Enter the BO date in the Value Date column
  • Click on Post
System will generate Transaction ID on posting the same. PA should note down TRAN ID number on SB7 in red ink (example:- TRAN ID SB-34567) and will hand over the same to Supervisor who should verify the transaction by using same menu. Only after verification, the transaction will appear in LOT and Consolidation.

(v) Procedure for BO SB account closure

·  When SB7A alongwith Passbook is received from BO, User will Invoke the menu         HACACCR
·  Enter the details in field “Report To” as PM
·  Select “INR” in CCY field
·   Enter the BO SB account number in the “From A/c ID”
·   Enter the same BO SB account number in the “To A/c ID”
·   Click on “Submit”
·   A message “Batch program successfully lodged “ is displayed
·  A report “Accrual Interest report” is available in the queue . Go to HPR and select         the report to print.
·   Click on the Print screen for viewing the “Interest accrual report”
·  The total amount accrued as interest till date is displayed at the end of the report.
·  Interest amount shown in the report should be added to the balance in the account noted On WARRANT OF PAYMENT of SB7A.  This should be sent to Branch Office for closure of SB account with direction that this is valid up to last working day of the month. Other procedure for sending sanction to BO should be followed.
·  On receipt of SB7A from BO after closure, invoke the menu HCAAC for account closure.
·  Select the function “CLOSE”
·  Enter the BO SB account number to close
·  Click on the check box “Transfer” in Balance field
·  Enter the BO Settlement account in the “Transfer A/c ID” field
·   Click on Go

·   The balance amount in the account will be displayed in the A/c Information tab
·    Click on the “Closure” tab to select the reason code and click on “Submit”
·    On clicking “Submit”, total amount along with interest will be displayed. BO SB account will be closed and amount adjusted in BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Transaction ID generated should be noted on SB7A and submitted to Supervisor for verification. After verification, transaction will appear in LOT and consolidation.

(vi) B.O RD DEPOSIT at Account Office

· On receipt of Pay-In-Slip from BO, PA of Account office should follow the     following process:-
·  Invoke CRDP menu.
·  ii) Select the Function – Add
·  iii) Select the Transaction Type – T/BI-Transfer Bank Induced
·  Enter the RD account Number
·  Enter the amount of Deposit
·   Enter the BO date in the Value Date column
·   Mode of Payment - Click on the “Transfer” Radio button
·   Click on “Submit”

System will generate Transaction ID on posting the same. PA should note down TRAN ID number on Pay-In-Slip in red ink (example:- TRAN ID RD-34567) and will hand over the same to Supervisor who should verify the transaction by using same menu. Only after verification, the transaction will appear in LOT and Consolidation.

(vii) BO RD CLOSURE at Account Office

On receipt of SB7A and Passbook from BO, PA should first invoke Trial Closure for issue of closing sanction. Same procedure should be followed as being followed for Trial Closure of RD Accounts standing at SO/HO in Finacle. Enter closing amount in SB7A and after following laid down process of sanction of BO W/D, Passbook and SB7A should be sent to BO with the direction that sanction is valid only up to last working day of the month. If customer does not attend BO up to that date, a fresh sanction is to be obtained by BO for which fresh Trail closure should be invoked. Once paid SB7A signed by customer duly entered in BO daily Account is received at Account office, following process to be followed by counter PA:-

·   Invoke CRDCAAC menu.
·   ii) Enter the RD account number
·  iii) Enter the BO date in the Value Date column
·  Closure details will be displayed.
·   Select the repayment mode as “Transfer”
·  Enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLID0339) as Repayment ID
·  Click on “Submit”

Transaction ID will be generated and PA should note that Tran ID on SB7A and hand over to Supervisor for verification. Supervisor should verify transaction using same menu and option “Verify”. Once, transaction is verified by Supervisor, transaction will appear in LOT and consolidation.

(viii)  B.O Interest Payment of 2,3 & 5 Years TD accounts at Account Office

When SB7 is received from BO for sanction of interest, PA at Account Office (SO/HO). First Invoke the menu HTDTRAN or HIOT to check the interest accrued for the said TD account. Following procedure should be followed:-
Enter the SOL ID
Select the scheme type as None
·  Enter the TD Sundry account Number
·   Enter the period wherein the TD interest has accrued (Start date and end date)
·   Enter the TD account number in the Ref No. field
·   Click on Submit
·  Accrued TD interest is displayed.
The interest accrued can be viewed in the HPR report. The interest accrued  should be written in the Payment Warrant (SB7) and after signature of Supervisor, send back SB-7 to BO concerned after following the laid down procedure for sending sanction to BO. On receipt of TD SB7 after payment from BO, the following procedure has to be followed by PA for entering the Interest paid on TD account in case of 2/3/5 TD through HTM

·  Counter PA to invoke HTM menu
·  Select the Function – Add
·  Select the Transaction type – Cash/Cash Transfer
·  Select the Transaction Type as Debit and enter the SUNDRY DEPOSIT TD account number (0335)
·  Enter the amount of TD interest paid
·  Enter the BO TD account number in the reference column
·  Click on GO
·   Enter the BO TD account number in the Ref. No. field
·   Click on GO
·  Click on the required row which contains the unpaid TD interest for the said BO TD account.
·   Click on Accept
·  Click on the Credit Radio Button “Credit” and enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLID 0339) and in Ref No. field, enter TD Account number.
Click on Submit. Interest paid with respect to BO TD account in case of TD 2/3/5 is completed.

(ix)  CLOSURE OF BO TD ACCOUNT at Account Office

When SB7A is received from BO for sanction of TD closure, Invoke TD Trial closure for the required BO TD account and send SB7A to BO concerned by filling closure amount on Warrant by following the laid down procedure for sending sanction to BO. Before doing Trial Closure, unpaid TD interest if any should be checked by using HTDTRAN or HIOT menu. Total amount to be paid alongwith unpaid interest should be mentioned on the SB7A on the Warrant of Payment Side with signatures of Supervisor. It should also be mentioned that sanction is valid up to last working day of the month and if customer does not come for closure up to that day, fresh sanction should be obtained. All other provisions mentioned in the rules should be followed. On receipt of closed voucher from BO, the following procedure to be followed

·  Invoke the menu HCAACTD.
·  Select the Function (Z – Close) select closure 
·   Enter the BO TD account which was closed at Branch Office based on the sanction of SO/HO.
·   Enter the BO Date in the Closure Value Date field
·   Click on SVS (Signature Verification System) icon to verify the signature in the BO withdrawal voucher.
·   Click on GO
·    BO TD account details will be displayed. Check the amount of principal.
·    Click on “Closure Details” Tab
·    Select the R-Repayment A/c only option for BO Accounts
·    Enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLD ID 0339) in the Repayment    A/c ID field
·    Click on “Closure Exceptions” Tab
·    Enter the Branch Office Settlement Account (SOLID 0339)
·   Select the Closure Reason Code as NORMAL from the Searcher
·   Closure details detailing the principal, interest adjustment and actual Booked Interest (Rs.10,000 + Rs.405.94) paid as maturity proceeds to the BO TD account to be verified with the voucher.
Click on Submit. BO TD account closed at Branch Office is closed at Account Office. Transaction ID Generated by the system has to be noted on the SB7A and handed over to Supervisor for verification. After verification, transaction would appear in LOT and Consolidation.

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